“Brilliant, precious, incomparable. Beautiful, wondrous, affirming. These words immediately come to mind when I think of Wild Life, and still they do not fully express how I feel about this book. This novel moved me in ways I haven’t been moved by a book in years. Amanda Leduc uses the fantastic as a lens through which to examine her characters’ most personal, vulnerable feelings and fears. Yet, even amongst the likes of talking hyenas and mysteriously-appearing doves and beanstalks, we never lose sight of the importance of even the smallest, most seemingly mundane moments. After all, as this novel so deftly reminds us, these are the types of moments that make up the tapestry of each of our lives, from which we inevitably derive meaning. With her use of innovative forms, imaginative stories, and unforgettable characters, Leduc helps us to understand the beauty and significance of each of our own wild lives. If there is any justice in this world, this book will be hailed as a modern classic for decades to come.”
— Alicia Elliott, author of And Then She Fell
On sale March 11, 2025